Board of Governors


A message from Nk Mvulana, chairman of the Board

Allow me to introduce members of the Board of Governors of WPPS. These are parents and individuals who have taken up the call for voluntary service to our school and our boys.


The Board is a confluence of elected parent representatives from both Eyton and Eden Road Campuses, WPPS teaching staff representatives, invited members, appointed representatives from St Andrew’s College and the Rector of St John’s Parish. As a school steeped in Anglican traditions, we rely on our Christian faith for spiritual guidance. 


The Board is regulated according to the WPPS school constitution which is published on our website. 

Our mandate is to provide active support and guidance to the Head of School and his deputy both of whom are permanent members. The Board sets policies and regulations and performs financial, legal and general oversight. This is achieved through ongoing deliberations and interactions including allocation of portfolios to subcommittee structures with monitoring oversight and regular feedback to the Board. The day-to-day management and operation of the school is the domain of the Head of School and his Management Team. 

From an educational perspective, the environment at WPPS combines academics, sport, community and spirituality. We endeavour to get to know every boy; to challenge him individually and as a member of a team and to ensure he gives of his best consistently. Our Values statement encourages respect and integrity in all we do.  Our proposition combines the traditional elements of a worldly independent school with a refreshingly contemporary approach that acknowledges our history while recognizing our heritage in present-day South Africa. As we strive to stay ahead of the curve to find lasting solutions to the complexities of our society, we endeavour to leave no one behind. 

The Board welcomes input which is fair and constructive from all stakeholders in support of our underlying Vision, Mission and Values and all other governance statements of WPPS. 






WPPS Board Members


Click on the names below for more information on each board member.

Mr Nkululeko (Nk) Mvulana


Mr Darryl Cooke

Deputy Chairman

Mr Sean Adair

Staff Representative

kandasMr Kandas Botha

Deputy Headmaster

Ms Karen Jenkins

Finco Member

Mrs Juliana Dreyer

Finco Representative

Rev Guy Axelson

St John’s Anglican Church Representative

Mr Robert Gower 

Eden Road Campus Representative

Mrs Zimbini Hill

Invited Member

Mr Bruce Probyn

Invited Member

Mrs Samara Totaram

Invited Member


Mr Mila Mafanya 

St Andrew’s Representative

Mr Chris Todd

St Andrew’s College Representative

Mrs Simone Blackenberg

Parent Representative

Mr Carlo Dixon

Parent Representative